2020 (as of March 1)
This will be another active lecture year for Mal. Hydrangeas are an ‘in demand’ genus; commercial production in the USA currently exceeds 22 million plants annually – second only to roses. Given the major introduction of numerous new hybrids, they are now more widely planted in greater numbers and in more geographic locations.
All of Mal’s events are thoroughly informative offering detailed demonstrations, explanations of best practices, sources for necessary components, and informative hand-outs.
April 7: Marion Garden Club St. John’s Church, Beverly Farms, Marion, MA ’Success with Hydrangeas’
April 10 & 11: Heritage Museums and Gardens Sandwich, MA ‘Pruning Hydrangeas’
April 16: Massachusetts Master Gardeners Elm Bank Chapter, Yarmouth Port, MA ‘Advanced Pruning Strategies’
April 25: Mass Hort-The Gardens at Elm Bank Wellesley, MA ‘Pruning Hydrangeas’
May 7 & 9: Heritage Museums and Gardens Sandwich, MA ‘Planting & Replanting Hydrangeas’
May 30: Mid-South Hydrangea Society The Dixon Botanical Garden, Memphis, TN ‘Hydrangeas Revisited – What’s Been Happening and What’s Ahead’
June 20: Heritage Museums and Gardens Sandwich, MA, ‘Irrigation for the Home Gardener’
July 10: Hydrangea University The Cape Cod Hydrangea Society and Heritage Museums and Gardens, Sandwich, MA ‘Let’s Get Specific for Success – H. arborescens& H. paniculata’
July 10 – 19: Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival Heritage Museums and Gardens, and throughout the Cape. At Heritage, daily afternoon events on hydrangea selection and cultural issues.